Sunday, 26 January 2025

Vigan Cityhood

    Vigan was much like any other municipality a few decades ago. It was quiet, reserved, and deeply rooted in its customs. The agricultural economy of the municipality was the center of the basic yet contented life of the residents of Vigan. The town's rice fields, sugarcane plantations, and well-known "empanada" stands offered a window into the people's everyday lives. The old Spanish-era buildings that still survive today are and will always be Vigan's icon. Spanish colonial-era homes that represented the splendor of the past lined the old town's cobbled walkways, also called the Calle Crisologo. The town's rich cultural heritage makes it a special place to visit.

    The Municipality of Vigan has changed significantly as time has gone on. The town's exquisitely maintained Spanish colonial architecture gained international recognition when it was formally designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. This acknowledgment aided Vigan's transformation from a sleepy village to a thriving metropolis over time. With the introduction of contemporary developments that have altered its landscape, Vigan was formally proclaimed to have become a city in 2009. The structure of the city has changed significantly as I've grown up. People can visit and explore the city more easily now, and there are more dependable ways to get around. The local administration has put a lot of effort into maintaining the historical sites and making upgrades to accommodate the growing number of tourists. There are now more hotels, resorts, and other establishments in this sophisticated city.

    In conclusion, Vigan's transformation from a modest and reserved municipality to a thriving and renowned city is evidence of its adaptability and tenacity. I consider myself extremely lucky to have witnessed the transformation of this city as a student from this extraordinary city, and I am eager to watch how Vigan keeps evolving while adhering to its historical foundations.


Historic City of Vigan. (n.d) UNESCO.
Wikipedia contributors. (2025, January 24). Vigan. Retrieved from


OLD VIGAN - Bing. (n.d.). Bing.

VIGAN - Bing. (n.d.). Bing.*w5RcpbSYj0YtKhx714gB8g.jpeg&exph=683&expw=1024&q=VIGAN&simid=608042197573652674&FORM=IRPRST&ck=8F32ABCE42B4BEAD877CB165590B11C3&selectedIndex=12&itb=0&cw=1375&ch=664&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

Monday, 6 January 2025

Change Is The Only Constant Thing In The World

     Many people say that change is the only constant thing in the world, and I believe that. Another year has passed and that means that another has just started. It is and opportunity for me to change and start doing my new year's resolutions. This new year, I would like to change my perspective of myself. I want to start looking into the brighter side of the world and be optimistic in life. I used to be so insecure of myself, and this year, I want to change that. I hope to change into a person that embraces my own beauty and imperfections.


    I also want to be more open to my family because I'm not really and expressive person when it comes to my family. I used to be really secretive with my feelings and emotions but now, I want to change that. Especially now that my lola is gone, I don't have anyone I can run to now other than my ate. Which is why I will try to be more expressive through my family. 

    This year, I would also want to know what I really want to pursue in life, especially what course I want to tackle in college. I am still undecided and I want to change that because the future is nearing and I am running out of time to decide. I hope that this year becomes nice to me and let me live like a human being rather than surviving. I will take this year as an opportunity to change my lifestyle into something better. People can't get used to experiencing change but that is the only way that we can be better for ourselves, for our family, and for our friends. This new year is for the new me.

A Well-Deserved Christmas Vacation

    I can still recall one of the happiest moments of my life. It was the 20th of December 2024, 11:30 PM, I was getting ready to go to sleep and remembered my 6:00 AM alarm. "Yes!" I thought, just one tap on my screen and it made me the happiest at that moment. Just the thought of not waking up to the ringing and vibrating of my alarm was so exciting.

   Like every other year, we will spend this christmas vacation in Bulacan in which I really love because I get to see my cousins in my mother's side. When we arrived there, we were greeted with warm hugs and sweet smiles because we only get to see each other at least 2 times a year. On Christmas day, that is when we celebrate our reunion with my mother's side that's why I got busy with wrapping gifts for almost a hundred people the day before that. When christmas day arrived, we all wore purple as the theme. The day was fun despite the fact that it rained, we were still able to enjoy it. 

    2 days after christmas, it was my little brother's birthday. He just turned 8 years old but he is still a baby in our eyes. We celebrated his birthday and granted his wish to go to the mall and play. We also asked him where he wanted to eat and answered with joy, "Burger King!". We were able to try some of their new items in the menu. 

    Sadly, we had to go back to Ilocos before new year so we started packing up by the 28th and went home by the 29th. When we arrived, I immediately asked the 2 of my friends to go out and accompany me to buy gifts for my tito's and tita's here in Ilocos. Spending time with them was the best way I could end the year. Because I got to spend time with my loved ones, it was indeed a well-deserved christmas vacation.

CBR: Sta. Catalina's Livelihood and Economics

 When we were first given the task, we were confused. Our minds were filled with "kasano detoy?" "kasano tay nga rugyanan eto...