Sunday, 6 October 2024

1 down, 3 more to go

         In this journey, we have finished our first quarter and there are so many learnings that have given me
enough knowledge to understand and be able to improve my performance. I also learned to be resourceful because there are more resources inside and outside the school, that I started using. So far, Grade 10 has been good despite getting really stressed since i have an organization to handle. The only thing left is the number of ideas, information, and notes. 

       Now, I have a problem with the feeling of being overwhelmed. With the number of tasks, responsibilities as a student, leader, and a daughter are very overwhelming. Also with time management, i get a hard time accomplishing all before their respective deadlines. It made me feel inferior as to what i maybe really am but it also made me feel incable of achieving things. 

        But luckily, i was able to survive the first quarter with the support of my friends and acquaintances. They gave me motivation to finish everything and have a rest. They made me realize how important it was to rest after a tiring day when I used to just invalidate myself and tell myself that i am undeserving of getting a rest. I realized my priorities and started managing my time.

        Moving on, I will continue to do my best and make efforts in order to achieve a higher grade this second quarter and the rest. 

Sent 10m ago

CBR: Sta. Catalina's Livelihood and Economics

 When we were first given the task, we were confused. Our minds were filled with "kasano detoy?" "kasano tay nga rugyanan eto...