Sunday, 29 September 2024

A solemn poem

Not worth less than a penny or a dime,

these teachers dedicate all of their time       

to continuously teach and inspire,

which I genuinely admire.

Their hard work must not be disregarded,

but rather, they should be appreciated. 

To be able to work day and night,

what we can do is give them might.                                     

For the Teacher's Day Celebration,

make the world know about their dedication.

To their teachings, we respond,

"To infinity and beyond!"

They deserve appreciation more,

so let us thank them to the core.                                     

Thank you, my dear teachers.

You are the center of our universe.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Altogether, We Become Stronger for Our Future

    What does it mean to have a resilient Philippines? Are we a resilient country because we help each other? Or do we help each other because we’re a resilient country? We have so many unanswered questions regarding our country, but what is the causes of our resiliency? Education. We go to school 5 times a week to learn how to read, write, speak, and all other things. Most importantly, we go to school to learn how to cooperate and communicate with one another into have a better output/results. And that’s what we use in order to attain solidarity. Solidarity in hardships, crisis, and even solidarity in celebrating the good. There would be no resiliency when there is no solidarity.

    But what’s solidarity when we don’t put it to use? The Philippines has maybe not the best solidarity, but it can be improved, and we’re showing that through helping, uniting, and being one with the people. We act when help is needed, just like when we face calamities. There are always the NGOs that are ready to help, even faster to lend a helping hand than the government. Doesn’t that show enough solidarity? One is helping when it should be the other that arrives first. It just means that despite having no position in the government or being an ordinary person, we can help and act fast even if it’s not our main job to do. That is how we, the Filipinos, demonstrate solidarity. We help, help, and help, even when we’re the ones who needs help. Ironic, isn’t it? We put others before us and that just means so much to me and towards building a resilient country. We adapt, support, and just build and build the connection of the Filipinos through acts that could give us hope into a brighter future. Our courage and dedication to help will thrive and create the best we can bring out within ourselves that can improve our country.

    But despite all that, we always face problems. Problems such as the government. Shouldn’t thegovernment be the one to spearhead acts that would help our country. Well, maybe we should also consider the citizens of the country as part of the problem. Because even though we fight for what’s right and our rights, there are always the majority that blindly stands in opposite of us. What if we had better governance? Wouldn’t it be easier to stand and rebuild what’s broken? Here’s another problem. Natural disasters. Are those something we expect? No. They are the reason why we need to rebuild, because they damage what we have. But we cannot control those thus the only thing we can do is stand by each other, and just give, and give, and give, until it’s our time to receive, and receive, and receive. Give and take, it’s that simple. Maybe the real problem is the society. Some wants to just receive and never give. They’re not there when people were there for them when they needed it. I mean, what’s so hard to do?


Letter to the President

August 22, 2024                                                           

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

MalacaƱang Palace

J.P. Laurel Street San Miguel, Manila 1005


    I hope this letter finds you well. I am a student from Ilocos Sur National High School. I am writing this letter to you to express my concerns about some of our country's problems/issues as of the moment, that could possibly affect our future. 


    It is inevitable for me as a student, to not worry about our environment. We have been facing climate change because of our man-made actions such as not having proper waste disposal areas, too much smoke created from vehicles and industrial facilities, etc. I believe that we must take an action now or else it will get worse. Our nature is for the youth, and the youth is for the nature. I am hoping that such action could be taken by the government.



    I am also concerned about the education system of our country. Our recent PISA results were devastating to know as a learner. I do believe that there could be something in our education system that could be changed to have a better outcome for not only the country's future but also the future of the younger generation.


        I apologize for taking your time in reading my letter, but I also appreciate the effort. I hope that through this single letter, there could be improvements for the country and for the youth.


Ma. Germayne Sharapova V. Racho

Grade 10-MAXWELL

Ilocos Sur National High School

CITATIONS (arranged in order):

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. Official Website

Santos, Dennis Jay. (2019) Philippines to Stop Sending Officials to Climate-Change Conferences Abroad

The ASEAN POST (2019) Philippines needs to improve its education system

Adventure Time: Come Along With Me

    People come to school and can never avoid introducing themselves on the first day of school. It is a never ending "Introduce Yourself" because even after college or doctorate, you will again, meet new people. Don't you find it weird? We keep on introducing ourselves to new people hoping they will stay with us until the end, over, and over again. People come and go, and they have shaped us to what we are now. I have changed, and you did too. Was it a decision to change? Maybe, it's a different case for everyone, but for me, it was a decision.

   With growing up, we all needed companions along the way, and I decided to surround myself with good friends. They have shaped me to who I am today. I became the person I love, and it never makes me want to lose them. I became a jolly person, and I enjoy bringing a smile to the faces of the people around me with my bubbly personality and humor. The company of my family and friends boost my serotonin because I don't enjoy being alone with this personality of mine. When socializing with people I know, I feel confidence surging in my body, it's like they give me energy to go on with my day. I transformed into a whole new person. A whole new person wherein I started viewing things differently. Different in a sense that I started viewing things differently with seriousness.

    It became hard to know what I really wanted despite having many dreams. Would being serious be enough to figure out what I really want? From wanting to be a doctor because of my mother’s dream, to dreaming of become a righteous lawyer and fight for people, to wanting to pursue architecture and design houses, to wanting to become an aviator. Everything is a mess. I want so many things to do yet life is so short to do all of it. Maybe I’ll become a doctor, we don’t know. We’ll follow the path in front of us or maybe we’ll create our own, and hope that everything will turn out good. But I know what I really want. It’s to be happy with my family and friends. To be able to lead a peaceful life and be successful.

CBR: Sta. Catalina's Livelihood and Economics

 When we were first given the task, we were confused. Our minds were filled with "kasano detoy?" "kasano tay nga rugyanan eto...